Odyssey Awards

Ranatra Fusca

The Ranatra Fusca Creativity Award is given to a team or individual for demonstrating outstanding creativity. This award embodies all that the Odyssey of the Mind program represents. It is presented at all levels of competition from regional tournaments to World Finals.

Individuals and teams who receive this award at World Finals are presented with gold medals, and their coaches receive a plaque for their school. The names of these individuals and teams are engraved on the Ranatra Fusca trophy. This tradition has been honored every year since 1980.

The Ranatra Fusca trophy is displayed each year at the World Finals Awards Ceremony and at the Creativity Festival. It has also been on display in Explorer’s Hall at the National Geographic Society building in Washington, D.C.

Odyssey Angels 

Every year we challenge Odyssey members to use their creativity to help someone or something in their community.  Then, one creative group is selected to present its project at World Finals.  This year’s winning group is TBD from TBD.  See how the group helped its community by visiting the TBD.  While you’re there, see other projects that were completed.  There will also be information to start a group of your own!  Enrollment for next year begins TBD. To learn more about the program visit www.odysseyangels.org .


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Max Mansfield 

Each year CCI selects an Association that increases its membership and creative problem-solving activities.  The award is named for a longtime volunteer and friend of Odyssey of the Mind, Max Mansfield.  Unfortunately due to the circumstances of this Odyssey year the award was unable to be determined.


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Place Awards

Out of approximately 850 teams, 19 will be named World Champions. Teams placing 1st, 2nd, and 3rd in each problem and division receive a trophy, and each member of those teams receives a medal. Teams placing 4th, 5th, and 6th receive an honorable mention.


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Spirit Award

The Odyssey of the Mind Spirit Award is presented to an individual involved in the Odyssey of the Mind program who, through personal action, demonstrates the encouragement and development of cooperation, self-respect, and the appreciation and understanding of others.


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Past recipients include: Dennis Godfrey, Joy Kurtz, Fern Brown, Dan Semenza, Eric Lundberg, Jackie Otte, Ron Raab-Long, Rita Sleeman, Todd “Hoss” McNutt, Wayne Otte, Oog Hwang, Wayne Kehrli, Mabry King, Dr. Harold Kurtz, Weixin Chen, Angela Wilkerson, Dr. Athlene Carter, Dr. Karl-Ernst Plagemann, William Cook, Doug DeFrees, Lynda McGinty, Tom Mauro, Rich Safaris, and Rosemary Bognar.

This year’s Spirit Award Winner is Jeff Carter!