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test 2025
Judge/Volunteer Registration


The 2023 State Odyssey of the Mind Tournament

will be held on

April 15th, 2023

at the

New York State Fairgrounds


Volunteer/Judge Information
 First name
 Last name
 City, state, zip   

Hotel Accommodations
 Use Hotel

 Single Room

 Prefer roommmate

I am registering as a

 Experience in years

Are you representing a team?    No | Yes

Do you have any children/relatives competing?   No | Yes

 Past Position(s) Held (Check all that apply)
  Spontaneous Verbal
  Head Judge
  Problem Judge
  Holding Room
  Weigh-In Judge
  Staging Area Judge
  Score Checker
  Time Keeper
  Door Keeper
  Score Room
  Style Judge
  Spontaneous Hands-on


 I understand and agree with the above terms and conditions.(e)